Autocad Map 3d 2014 Download

AutoCADMap 3D 2014 Download. AutoCAD Map 3D 2014 Download Software is the latestversion of AutoCAD Map 3D software for accessing data needed for infrastructureplanning, design, and management activities. AutoCAD Map 3D 2014 is nowavailable to download and buy. AutoCAD Map 3D 2014 has a free trial download.Download AutoCAD Map 3D 2014 Free Trial Download today.

AutoCAD Map 3D 2014 Free Download Setup for Windows. It is for GIS and mapping for large scale. It is professional tool for architects and project planners. AutoCAD Map 3D 2014 Overview. AutoCAD Map 3D is the best software to create the physical structures on a large scale. It is a professional tool for architectures and project planners.


AutoCAD Map 3D mapping software for model-based infrastructure planning and management helps integrate CAD and GIS data to inform GIS, planning, and engineering decisions. With intelligent industry data models and tools, you can apply regional and discipline-specific standards. Integrating spatial information into a database makes data available throughout the organization, helping you improve quality, productivity, and asset management. Working in an AutoCAD-based environment, you can:

Autocad Map 2014 Download

  • Access and edit information
  • Integrate and analyze assets
  • Communicate effectively

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AutoCAD Map 3D 2014 mapping software for model-based infrastructure planning and management.

AutoCAD® Map 3D 2014 GIS mapping software offers easier access to design, GIS, imagery, point cloud, and business information from a broad range of sources, including ESRI, Bentley, Oracle, GE, and other software providers. By using comprehensive data models for the gas, water, wastewater, and electric industries, you can organize disparate asset information and apply industry standards and business requirements to your data.

Convert GIS and CAD Data to Intelligent Industry Models
With AutoCAD® Map 3D 2013 software, GIS professionals, planners, and civil engineers can more easily create and manage intelligent industry models by converting GIS and CAD data. Users can populate a new industry model from FDO data sources or DWG™ files and map feature classes and attributes. Then, convert the data to a model and save the database as a DWG/DWT file for use in future projects.

Access to Industry Models in More Formats
GIS professionals, planners, and civil engineers can access industry models in Microsoft SQL Server with AutoCAD Map 3D 2013. With the enhanced FDO provider, users can work with enterprise industry models on SQL Server as they do Oracle® systems.

Check Out Enterprise Industry Model Data
AutoCAD Map 3D provides GIS professionals, planners, and civil engineers the ability to check out enterprise model data for use in the field and use industry models in queued edit mode. With offline editing and synchronization, users can go offline with industry model data, work offline, and then come back and merge the data.

Desktop to Web to Autodesk Cloud
The AutoCAD WS web and mobile application for AutoCAD® software enables you to view, edit, and share DWG drawings using Autodesk Cloud. Work virtually anywhere and with almost anyone. Store AutoCAD drawings and project files in an easy-to-access online workspace. View and edit your designs online or on your mobile device. Share and collaborate easily with others. There’s no software required, and it’s free with Autodesk Subscription.

Configure & Utilize Linear Referencing Systems with Industry Models
AutoCAD Map 3D 2013 provides the framework for developing a Linear Referencing System (LRS) application, such as rail or transportation module, using the Autodesk Infrastructure Administrator. Within the new industry model, define the LRS based on existing assets and line segments. Then, include a prefix for your LRS, helping to specify the feature classes in your system. After new custom feature classes have been defined, configure the LRS by adding asset relationships. Then, open and manage a road or railway LRS template using AutoCAD Map 3D.

Data Exchange with Civil 3D and AutoCAD Utility Design
AutoCAD Map 3D 2013 helps you utilize the same data in different products. Share data more easily between AutoCAD Map 3D, Autodesk Infrastructure Modeler, AutoCAD Civil 3D, and AutoCAD Utility Design software. Sharing industry data models helps teams to work more efficiently and effectively on projects.

Publish Native DWG to Autodesk Infrastructure Map Server
Publish a single DWG directly to Autodesk Infrastructure Map Server using AutoCAD Map 3D 2013, or publish multiple drawing files into a single map definition by using Infrastructure Studio 2013. When publishing to Autodesk Infrastructure Map Server software, FDO layers and AutoCAD layers—together with data filters—are published together, providing 100 percent visual and data fidelity of DWG files without conversion.

Dynamic Legends, North Arrows & Scale Bars
Improve public view documents, such as maps and exhibits, with north arrows, scale bars, dynamic legends, and more viewports within the exhibit documentation.

Creating & Editing Symbols
AutoCAD Map 3D 2013 offers a symbol-authoring tool that enables users to take common symbols used widely in the public domain and make them usable in their mapping environment. Users can also create and edit symbols specific to organizational requirements.

Dynamic Tooltips & Links
AutoCAD Map 3D 2013 includes the ability to roll over a feature and display properties such as tooltips and links.

Survey Functionality
AutoCAD® Map 3D GIS software includes a rich set of survey tools to enable you to more easily import, compute, manage, and utilize field measurements acquired from GPS and terrestrial sources. The survey functionality includes the ability to consume custom field codes that can be mapped to database attributes, making asset collection more efficient using any device. Additional survey functionality includes:

  • Leica® GSI, CPlan RO, ASCII point, and LandXML data import
  • Survey database and schema
  • Point groups
  • Automatic creation of features

Surfaces & Point Cloud Tools
Create large-scale surface models from points, and contour data and create contours from surfaces. Visualize and analyze topographic information, including digital elevation models (DEM) and ESRI® GRID files for elevation, slope, and aspect. Drape aerial photographs and vector data onto surfaces for revealing 3D renderings and perform sunlight studies with hill shading. Additional point cloud tools enable you to import and visualize large sets of 3D laser scanning/LIDAR data sets (often with hundreds of millions of points). You can also stylize point clouds by LAS classification, spatial extents, elevation, or intensity.

Autocad Map 3d 2014 Download

Data Access & Editing
Using open-source Feature Data Object (FDO) technology, AutoCAD Map 3D provides direct access to GIS data from a variety of spatial data sources, including ESRI® files and managed geo-databases, Oracle®, Microsoft® SQL Server®, PostGIS, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and MySQL®. Access aerial and satellite imagery and connect to web mapping and web feature services to take advantage of publicly available data. Direct access means no data translations, which helps to support data integrity. The open, standards-based database support enables you to more easily join CAD objects to commonly used databases and spreadsheets, and to store CAD and geospatial data in relational database management and GIS systems.

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Enhanced Data Access & Management
Enhanced Microsoft® Excel® spreadsheet capabilities enable you to join attribute and GIS data and edit the Excel data stored directly inside AutoCAD Map 3D GIS mapping software. Additionally, improved spatial database tools enable you to store and use multiple geometric representations of your infrastructure assets, providing you with the flexibility to choose the geometry that best suits your deliverable requirements.

Analysis Tools
Analysis tools help you answer questions and make decisions about your data. Perform the following tasks: link information in vector and tabular formats together; perform data queries; create thematic maps; build topologies; create reports; and perform buffer, tracing, and overlay analysis. With easier visualization and evaluation of design and geospatial information, GIS planning and analysis tools can help with planning and decision making.

Access More Coordinate Systems
Search for or create coordinate systems using custom grid files, and utilize modern algorithms for transforming coordinate systems. Work with more than 4,000 real-world coordinate systems, or define and manage your own custom coordinate system. Perform on-the-fly coordinate transformations and use tools such as Transform, Rubbersheeting, and Track Coordinates to more accurately georeference your AutoCAD software design data.

Publish Directly to the Web
Distribute your geospatial data, maps, and designs in ways that meet your organization’s needs. Create drawings, designs, and maps, and publish them to the Internet using the Autodesk Infrastructure Map Server application. Or, distribute them as individual georeferenced DWF™ files, multisheet DWF Map Books, or paper plots. Help keep customers and teams throughout your organization up-to-date with the latest information.

Interoperability with AutoCAD & GIS software
AutoCAD Map 3D interoperates with major design and GIS software, so you can read, write, and convert data between standard formats, including:

  • DWG®—Output a DWG file that is readable by any AutoCAD® software client, in both visual and editable modes
  • Arc/Info® coverages
  • SHP and E00 from ESRI®
  • MapInfo® MIF/MID™
  • MapInfo® TAB
  • MicroStation® DGN
  • Generalized Markup Language
  • Ordnance Survey MasterMap (DNF) (GML2, read-only)
  • Oracle®
  • Vector Product Format (VPF, read-only)
  • LandXML
  • SDF
  • Spatial Data Transfer Standard (SDTS, read-only)

Grids, Graticules & Map Books
Create and publish maps based on U.S. National Grid (USNG) standards, latitude and longitude grids, and more. Easy-to-use interfaces support data capture with multiple coordinate systems; grids and graticules in paper space; dynamic labeling; and styling. Produce more accurate, up-to-date plots and tiled map books for your exhibits and field work, while providing field crews with necessary information for their projects. To view and download sample maps and map books from utilities, government, natural resources, planning, transportation, and other industries,

Data Management Tools
Manage spatial data in almost any format and use out-of-the-box industry models (available for both stand-alone and enterprise environments), or create and modify your own data models more quickly and easily using industry standard data modeling tools. Move and convert data from one data store to another. AutoCAD® Map 3D infrastructure planning and management software acts as a hub for managing large amounts of spatial data, helping you to unlock legacy spatial information and streamline your workflow.

Workflows & Feature Rules
Using the Microsoft® Windows® Workflow Foundation (WF), AutoCAD Map 3D software makes it easier to automate repetitive tasks with a powerful workflow framework and user interface. With the framework, you can build, save, and share simple and complex workflows with a visual editor. Facilitate more accurate data updates based on industry—or custom defined—standards by using custom feature rules and workflows for industry models.

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Industry Model Analysis
Use connectivity information built into the industry models to identify connected facilities or analyze the impact of your actions on your infrastructure.

Autocad Map 3d 2014 Download Trial

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