Posted by4 years ago


Q: How do I know if a game update requires a certain firmware? NPS Browser - Download Vita/PSM/PSX/PS3 games+DLC and much, much. Minecraft's next update is the last for Wii U, Vita, PS3, Xbox 360 Bottleneck. Tom Phillips. The best Vita games Our pick of the games on Sony's indie powerhouse handheld.
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Can you download and transfer PSP games to Vita without a PS3?
Sorry for the cumbersome title! In case it's not clear I'm referring to the ability to download PSP games on the PS3 and transfer them to the Vita (but without the PS3, in this case).
The reason I'm asking if you can is because I don't have a PS3 anymore, and was interested in buying the PSP games Growlanser and Gungnir from PSN which I've read work on PS Vita but don't directly download to it (need to be transferred).
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