Click Here to Download Use the Florida Medical Power of Attorney Form for any health care decision you want someone else to make on your behalf.

The Florida Durable General Power of Attorney Form is used when you want to legally appoint someone to make decisions on your behalf. This Florida power of attorney form is durable in nature and the rights and authorizations given to the attorney-in-fact are general and broad. Download our Free Power of Attorney Form for Florida Residents. Before you download and sign our free Durable Power of Attorney form, please read the.
Decide on the type of power of attorney you need.Free Printable Durable Power Of Attorney
Power of attorney documents are categorized based on the powers that they give and the 'durability' of the grant of rights. Determine what you need before youFree Durable Power Of Attorney Florida
- General - Allows the principal (person giving power) to select an agent (any person of their choosing) to act in all matters legal under the law. This power of attorney allows the agent to do anything the principal could do. This includes selling property, making medical decisions, or even removing cash from the principal's bank account. It must be expressly stated if it is to include the power to terminate life support, .
- Limited - Allows the principal to select an agent to act only in matters specified in the power of attorney. These powers can include selling property, making medical decisions, or most other legal acts. It is generally named consistent with the powers conveyed (such as Medical Power of Attorney).
- Durable - Allows either of the above powers of attorney to survive even if the Principal should become incapacitated. Without durability, a power of attorney becomes invalid if the principal is incapacitated. As noted above, Florida no longer allows a springing power of attorney. It must be stated that the power of attorney is to be durable or it will be invalid when the principal is incapacitated.
- Medical vs. Financial: If you want separate representatives to speak for you on health-related matters and financial matters, you may have separate powers of attorney.