Nancy Drew Sea Of Darkness Download

Join Nancy Drew and hone your sleuthing skills with Her Interactive's award-winning mystery games. Shop games, merchandise, and join our community today! Read reviews, compare customer ratings, see screenshots, and learn more about Nancy Drew - Sea of Darkness. Download Nancy Drew - Sea of Darkness for. Nov 2, 2017 - Take the helm as detective Nancy Drew and set a course for the Sea of Darkness! GAME FEATURES. Solve puzzles and interrogate suspects.

Rated 5 out of 5 by bitter_lily from A delight if you love brain teasers!Or wooden sailing ships. HER evidently went to Iceland to film this game. The backgrounds are compelling and quite beautiful, and it's nice having actors rather than animations. You will be crawling all over a fully-restored, utterly gorgeous, Dutch East Indies three-master -- from the bilge to the crow's-nest. That alone will have me coming back to replay the game. And I loved that the history of the ship, and how it ended up wrecked in Iceland, is a mystery-within-the-mystery. However, what I most enjoy about the ND series in general is that the games have such a wild variety of puzzles. Sea of Darkness is no exception. In fact, it has the best replay value of the three I've played thus far, because two of the puzzles are actually mini-games with a random element that I can load whenever. I like Nancy Drew's variety specifically because some of the puzzles are bound to take me out of my comfort zone, while others are old-shoe comfy. It's likely that which ones are comfy for you will be different, but not the result. You'll stretch yourself playing this game! Caution: one puzzle involves reading musical notation. And if you also have no ear for music or ability to read sheet music, Sea of Darkness will require you to resort to hints for a solution. On master level, an outside hint guide like UHS becomes a necessity for me. I have a few complaints. Like the other ND games I've played, Sea of Darkness does not provide adequately explained rules for some of the puzzles. I definitely resorted to UHS more than I liked, just to figure out what I was supposed to do. I hope that HER has fixed this in their more recent games. Second, you can simply fail to notice something you need to explore in order to advance the plot. On my first playthrough, it was the fish-gutting station; on the second, the sign clearly labeled 'Crow's Nest.' Again, the hint guide rescued me! But you may be better at sorting details out of a complex scene. The only flaw I observed that might have you turning away to a different ND mystery is that there was a bit of choppiness in the writing. For instance, you see someone walking and pulling a sled at one point, while you are riding on the snowmobile she loaned you. She beats you back to town! Not a crucial detail, you see, just an irritant. If you like thinking your way through puzzles and can gloss over minor short-comings, by all means try Sea of Darkness.
The Case:
Nancy Drew Sea Of Darkness Download
The celebrated ship “Heerlijkheid,” is usually the centerpiece of an Icelandic town’s local festival. Now that its captain has disappeared, the renovated vessel has become an eerie distraction. Did Captain Magnus sail away with a legendary treasure, or was he carried off into the night? Take the helm as detective Nancy Drew and set a course for the Sea of Darkness!
The Suspects/Character Profiles:
Soren Bergursson: Although Soren grew up ten miles from Skipbrot, he is considered an outsider and isn’t treated very well by his fellow residents. His vast education and knowledge of all things Icelandic aid in his running of the Culture Center and drive his fascination with local artifacts. He claims to be tired of hearing everyone talk about the treasure, but perhaps he’s secretly plotting to find the treasure himself?
Elísabet Grimursdóttir: A born and bred local, Elisabet helps Soren run the Ancestors’ Festival and controls access to the Heerlijkheid. Could her recent breakup with Magnus have inspired her to take revenge?

Magnus Kiljansson: Magnus is the captain working on the Heerlijkheid’s restoration. He was supposed to safely steer the ship into the town’s port to kick-off the Ancestors’ Festival, but when the ship arrived, it crashed into the harbor unmanned, with Magnus nowhere to be found. Is it possible Magnus located the treasure and abandoned ship? Or did something much more sinister cause his mysterious disappearance?
Dagny Silva: As the manager of the ship’s restoration and a renowned treasure hunter, Dagny is furious with her business partner Magnus for disappearing. She suspects he went looking for the gold, found it, and took off, leaving her behind to clean up the mess. Dagny hires Nancy to track Magnus down and bring him to justice. But could Dagny know something she’s not letting on?
Gunnar Tonnisson: A grumpy old sailor who yearns for the “olden days,” Gunnar is not shy about voicing his concerns regarding the way the festival is being managed. He doesn’t care about treasure hunting, and claims the town’s traditions and history are what really matter. Could Gunnar be harboring a hidden agenda to disrupt the festival?

Alex Trang: Alex is a contact at the Rekyjavik Harbormaster’s control tower. She and Magnus communicate by radio whenever he is on board the Heerlijkheid. Could she have any insights to Magnus’ disappearance the day the ship crashed?

Nancy Drew New Game

Ned Nickerson: Returning as a phone contact, Ned is always available to provide Nancy with any support or help she might need. Call him often and keep him up to speed on your adventures so that he can provide additional tips.

Nancy Drew Sea Of Darkness Download Mac

Nancy Drew Sea Of Darkness Walkthrough