Use your favorite imaging software to create your name in just about any font you want to use. Just remember that you are going to use an outline (at least in the beginning) I tried a fill once and found it very time consuming and hard to make it look good.
You can dress it up with some fancy art around the name but since that is probably a good way to get myself beat up at work, I'll just make it plain here. You have to be careful not to go too fine into the details because some of the paper gets damaged while you are engraving, you will see what I mean when you try it, just trust me for now.
Print out your image onto mailing labels or sticker paper. I try to do most of a sheet and I print it out a few different sizes to have some extras around and to be able to fit it the best possible way.
Trim the label if you have to and stick it to the tool where you want to engrave your name. Push it down good because we don't want it to slide when we start. Also the better it is stuck down, the less the paper seems to get damaged.
Feb 10, 2016 Engraving sequential serial numbers on your parts is simple, using G47 on your Haas. Mark shows how it's done in this follow-up to Part 1 of our engraving series. Subscribe to our YouTube. Serial Numbers. Up through Series 1995, all Federal Reserve notes had serial numbers consisting of one letter, eight digits, and one letter, such as A12345678B; now only the $1 and $2 notes still use this form. The first letter of such a serial number identifies the Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) which issued the note; since there are 12 FRBs.
Serial Number Engraver
What is the process for engraving a serial number?
Hey everyone, I'm finishing an 80% [AK] lower and, while I realize I don't NEED to put on a serial number as per the BATFE, I realize that not all LEOs are lawyers and may not realize that homebuilt weapons don't need to be serialized or registered. It'd probably save me a lot of grief to have SOME serial number on it, if ever an officer inspected the firearm. That said, what's the process for engraving a serial number, caliber and city of manufacture? Is there a special machine for it? Or do I just take something sharp and hard and hammer it in?

Edit: I should have mentioned: I'd like to put in the proper markings for the fire selector lever- they kind of look like AB and OД, but I'm not 100% sure. I guess I'd just need to buy a Д stamp somewhere.
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