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Anthony Robbins fornisce in questo libro un insieme di strumenti pratici tali da rendere l'individuo capace di iniziative concrete nonostante eventuali paure; e la capacità di fare tutto ciò che occorre per avere successo è un potere quanto mai concreto.
Published December 22nd 1997 by Free Press (first published 1986)
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An oldie but goodie. This is a good starter book for people seeking to improve themselves and their life situation. Anthony Robbins is a wonderful motivator and the undisputed master of personal achievement. He will pump you up and get you going on YOUR path! If you want something more complicated, study 'Neuro-linguistic Programming'. Robbin's uses NLP as the foundation for his own success.
I have read all of Anthony Robbins' books and this book was foundational in getting me motivated to write...more
I have read all of Anthony Robbins' books and this book was foundational in getting me motivated to write...more
Great book! I've been a fan of Tony for years. This is one of those timeless books that never fails to inspire!

Jun 30, 2008Jeffrey rated it really liked it
Tony Robbins is one of those guys who made it big with little education. He's no scholar, has no college degree, and learned his methods (NLP from which his motivational technique 'neuroassociative conditioning' came) as a self-taught mentee. He is one of those guys who rose to the top because of character, failure / success (which is a great motivator in itself), enthusiasm, and, of course, power. His power resides in his belief, his faith that NC is valid and works. To a great degree, it does....more
Nov 09, 2009Douglas rated it it was amazing
This book is excellent... The first 400 pages are tips and concepts he covers in more detail in his seminars. But the last 20 pages of this book are so heartfelt and so moving... goodness... you have to read the book.
I can't say enough good things about a man I barely know. My father is the greatest man that ever lived to me and everyday, I strive to become someone like him. The only other person that has made a material difference on the way I live my life is Tony Robbins. If you want answers....more
I can't say enough good things about a man I barely know. My father is the greatest man that ever lived to me and everyday, I strive to become someone like him. The only other person that has made a material difference on the way I live my life is Tony Robbins. If you want answers....more
I started reading Unlimited Power: The Science Of Personal Achievement because I wanted to know something about NLP. I'm not sure if I've fulfilled or not this purpose and I'm not sure if this book has been about it.
Yes, the book claims to be about NLP techniques that will make you a good communicator (not only when communication is established with other people, but also when you're communicating to yourself). However, the feeling I have is that the book attempts to be a 'life-fixer'; it encour...more
Yes, the book claims to be about NLP techniques that will make you a good communicator (not only when communication is established with other people, but also when you're communicating to yourself). However, the feeling I have is that the book attempts to be a 'life-fixer'; it encour...more
Feb 01, 2017Ahmed El-dressi rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
'إذا أردت أن تقرأ كتاب واحد هذا العام ليُساعدك على أن تكون أفضل اقرأ هذا الكتاب'
استمريت في قراءة هذا الكتاب لما يُقارب الشهر.. لأنني قرأته كما لم أقرأ أي كتاب آخر من قبل بتمعّن وتركيز وذلك بسبب ما سمعت وقرأت عنه وأيضًا لمحتواه الدسم جدًا .. كتاب ممتاز للكاتب والمدرب الغني عن التعريف أنتوني روبنز .. يتحدّث فيه بأسلوب محفّز وشيّق عن التغيير وتحقيق الأهداف من خلال 21 فصل في 3 أقسام رئيسية .. الكتاب ذو محتوى مفيد جدًا وقيّم أنصح بقراءته فقط لمن سيُنفّذ ما جاء فيه من حيَل وتدريبات وأساليب.
استمريت في قراءة هذا الكتاب لما يُقارب الشهر.. لأنني قرأته كما لم أقرأ أي كتاب آخر من قبل بتمعّن وتركيز وذلك بسبب ما سمعت وقرأت عنه وأيضًا لمحتواه الدسم جدًا .. كتاب ممتاز للكاتب والمدرب الغني عن التعريف أنتوني روبنز .. يتحدّث فيه بأسلوب محفّز وشيّق عن التغيير وتحقيق الأهداف من خلال 21 فصل في 3 أقسام رئيسية .. الكتاب ذو محتوى مفيد جدًا وقيّم أنصح بقراءته فقط لمن سيُنفّذ ما جاء فيه من حيَل وتدريبات وأساليب.
هذا بعض الكتاب لن أتكلم عنه استفدت منه كثيرا لكن كتابه الاخر ايقظ قواك الخفية افضل بكثير:
النجاح:هو عملية مستمرة نحو تحقيق المزيد ، فهو فرصة النمو المستمر عاطفيا و اجتماعيا وروحيا ونفسيا وفكريا وماليا مع الأسهام - فى آن واحد بصورة إيجابية - فى حياة الأخرين ، إن طريق النجاح هو طريق التقدم وليس مجرد نهاية نصل إليها.
)إما أن تشكل أنت مفاهيمك أو يشكلها لك شخص آخر ، وإما أنت تفعل ما تريد، أو تستجيب لما يخططه لك شخص آخر،وتشكيل المفاهيم يرجع إلى معتقد الشخص ، والفعل ناتج التصور والفهم.
) إن الحصول على أ...more
النجاح:هو عملية مستمرة نحو تحقيق المزيد ، فهو فرصة النمو المستمر عاطفيا و اجتماعيا وروحيا ونفسيا وفكريا وماليا مع الأسهام - فى آن واحد بصورة إيجابية - فى حياة الأخرين ، إن طريق النجاح هو طريق التقدم وليس مجرد نهاية نصل إليها.
)إما أن تشكل أنت مفاهيمك أو يشكلها لك شخص آخر ، وإما أنت تفعل ما تريد، أو تستجيب لما يخططه لك شخص آخر،وتشكيل المفاهيم يرجع إلى معتقد الشخص ، والفعل ناتج التصور والفهم.
) إن الحصول على أ...more
This is an unpretentious guide into the power of the mind and how anyone can tap into this power to overcome challenges and achieve success. The insights extrapolated here are aimed at elevating your quality of life in all areas including finances, health, career, leadership and relationship.
Admittedly, the book is quite long for a self-help guide but it offers some exciting and inspirational strategies for success in an increasingly competitive and seemingly overwhelming world. I find that it p...more
Admittedly, the book is quite long for a self-help guide but it offers some exciting and inspirational strategies for success in an increasingly competitive and seemingly overwhelming world. I find that it p...more
ثلاث نجمات تقديراً للوقت الذي بذله الكاتب في هذا الكتاب ،
وان كان محتواه 'بالنسبة لي ' ضعيف او بالاحرى محتوى لا يجذبني
او يحصل على اهتمامي بمعنى ادق
لم اعتد على قراءه كتب تنميه الذات ،
بالاضافه انني اجدها ممله ولا فائده منها
رغم انها تساعد الكثير الا انها لا تفيدني
وبرغم ان الكتاب احتوى على الكثير من التكرار والمماطله في بعض النقاط
والتوضيح الذي لا داع له
الا انه لا يمكنني ان انكر ان هناك نقاط جوهريه رائعه جداً
نادراً ما يلتفت اليها الباحثين في هذا المجال
لا يمكنني القول ان تجربتي مع هذا الك...more
وان كان محتواه 'بالنسبة لي ' ضعيف او بالاحرى محتوى لا يجذبني
او يحصل على اهتمامي بمعنى ادق
لم اعتد على قراءه كتب تنميه الذات ،
بالاضافه انني اجدها ممله ولا فائده منها
رغم انها تساعد الكثير الا انها لا تفيدني
وبرغم ان الكتاب احتوى على الكثير من التكرار والمماطله في بعض النقاط
والتوضيح الذي لا داع له
الا انه لا يمكنني ان انكر ان هناك نقاط جوهريه رائعه جداً
نادراً ما يلتفت اليها الباحثين في هذا المجال
لا يمكنني القول ان تجربتي مع هذا الك...more
Sep 04, 2012Philopater rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
الكتاب يفتح نفسك من اول ما تقراه ، كتاب تحفيزي راااائع ، فعلا بيخلي عقلك يعرف ان مفيش حاجة صعبة عليه لو هو عاوز :)
Mar 06, 2011Masar rated it really liked it · review of another edition
[أنتوني روبنز: قدرات غير محدودة، إلكتروني، الطبعة الأولى 2001، تنمية ذاتية، 559 صفحة]
قد يكون هذا كتاب التنمية الذاتية الشامل والذي لن تحتاج بعد قراءته إلى
قراءة أي شيء آخر في هذا المجال (على الأقل من توني روبنز نفسه).
رحلتي مع توني روبنز بدأت مع كتابه الأول 'أيقظ قواك الخفية' والذي اثار اعجابي بشدة، فكان لزاماً أن اتابع الرحلة بقراءة 'قدرات غير محدودة' لتكتمل عندي رؤية الكاتب وأفكاره، خصوصاً وأنه نوّه في كتابه الأول في عدة مواضع على ضرورة (أو استحباب) قراءة كتابه الأول هذا. لستُ بحاجة بعد الآن ل...more
قد يكون هذا كتاب التنمية الذاتية الشامل والذي لن تحتاج بعد قراءته إلى
قراءة أي شيء آخر في هذا المجال (على الأقل من توني روبنز نفسه).
رحلتي مع توني روبنز بدأت مع كتابه الأول 'أيقظ قواك الخفية' والذي اثار اعجابي بشدة، فكان لزاماً أن اتابع الرحلة بقراءة 'قدرات غير محدودة' لتكتمل عندي رؤية الكاتب وأفكاره، خصوصاً وأنه نوّه في كتابه الأول في عدة مواضع على ضرورة (أو استحباب) قراءة كتابه الأول هذا. لستُ بحاجة بعد الآن ل...more
READING TIME: 90 minutes
MESSAGE: Tony describes it as 'the textbook for human development.' Get out of the reactive mentality, model the most successful people and create the life of your choosing.
Sources of our beliefs: environment, knowledge, events, past results, conscious creation in our minds.
Success mechanisms: passion, belief, strategy, clarity of values, energy, bonding and, most importantly, mastery of communication.
Empowering beliefs from the most successful people:
1. Everything...more
MESSAGE: Tony describes it as 'the textbook for human development.' Get out of the reactive mentality, model the most successful people and create the life of your choosing.
Sources of our beliefs: environment, knowledge, events, past results, conscious creation in our minds.
Success mechanisms: passion, belief, strategy, clarity of values, energy, bonding and, most importantly, mastery of communication.
Empowering beliefs from the most successful people:
1. Everything...more

What els is there to say about Tony Robbins....
This book is good for NOT for everyone. The concepts of NLP aren't easily received for people new to self-help books. Tony does a good job of breaking things down, but there is a lot of information to go over. Hence the reason the book is so loonngggg.
Unlimited power will do exactly what it says, give you the power to make the changes you want in life using NLP. If you're new to self-help books, you may want to start with something different like N...more
Dec 26, 2012Createpei rated it it was amazingThis book is good for NOT for everyone. The concepts of NLP aren't easily received for people new to self-help books. Tony does a good job of breaking things down, but there is a lot of information to go over. Hence the reason the book is so loonngggg.
Unlimited power will do exactly what it says, give you the power to make the changes you want in life using NLP. If you're new to self-help books, you may want to start with something different like N...more

Recommended to Createpei by: myself
Shelves: health, improvement, learning, philosophy, to-re-read, audio-books
Disappointingly short but an amazing listen.
This audiobook highlights many of Anthony Robbins points from his book Unlimited Power. Very few speakers can beat Tony's enthusiasm and larger than life charisma.
Highly recommend it - downloaded from itunes for $10 and have it installed on my ipod for listening again and again! Well worth $10!
Thank you Tony for how much you have helped to inspire several generations of readers and listeners to think outside the box and not to simply not accept medioc...more
This audiobook highlights many of Anthony Robbins points from his book Unlimited Power. Very few speakers can beat Tony's enthusiasm and larger than life charisma.
Highly recommend it - downloaded from itunes for $10 and have it installed on my ipod for listening again and again! Well worth $10!
Thank you Tony for how much you have helped to inspire several generations of readers and listeners to think outside the box and not to simply not accept medioc...more
Jul 18, 2017Shorouk rated it liked it · review of another edition
Ughhh I hated the first half of the book!
I read this book because it was given to me by my uncle & he really wanted me to read it.
I felt like he repeats things a little too much & that the book could have been shorter. The second half is pretty exciting! Stuff that you can apply. I love that he made sure to explain that the stuff he's talking about makes sense.
If you're into NLP, you'll probably enjoy this.
I read this book because it was given to me by my uncle & he really wanted me to read it.
I felt like he repeats things a little too much & that the book could have been shorter. The second half is pretty exciting! Stuff that you can apply. I love that he made sure to explain that the stuff he's talking about makes sense.
If you're into NLP, you'll probably enjoy this.
Dec 26, 2015Mahdi Raeesi rated it liked it · review of another edition
این کتاب رو من در دوران خدمت سربازی مطاله می کردم.نکات ارزنده ای داشت که در زمان های مختلف و سخت و یا حتی طاقت فرسای آن موقع،بسیار کاربرد داشت
Jun 29, 2017Ebrahim Alashiri added it · review of another edition
كتاب شامل لكل مواضيع البرمجة اللغوية العصبية و استعمل الكاتب في عرض المواضيع اسلوبا متسلسلا مترابطا وشيقا و يعتبر ذلك ابداعا في صياغة محتوى دورات و تحويلها إلى كتاب مقروء
Oct 11, 2016Zachary Slayback rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Not as self helpy as you might think
I was initially skeptical of this book when I downloaded it. I generally don't like self help and think it to be mostly fluff when it needs to be substance.
I was wrong.
Sure, there are stories in here you can skim over when you are tired and still get the gist of the book. But much of the value of this book and the good self help out there is to put into words and reinforce things you already kind of knew, but needed to have said to you. NLP seems kitschy at fi...more
I was initially skeptical of this book when I downloaded it. I generally don't like self help and think it to be mostly fluff when it needs to be substance.
I was wrong.
Sure, there are stories in here you can skim over when you are tired and still get the gist of the book. But much of the value of this book and the good self help out there is to put into words and reinforce things you already kind of knew, but needed to have said to you. NLP seems kitschy at fi...more
Jan 28, 2018Luis rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
This guy is a beast. I lack the vocabulary to explain the power of Tony and this book.
You can read it once and be motivated. For a while....
BUT! If you take your take, follow the exercices, THINK, and pay close attention to the meaningful material it's impossible to still be the same person.
Here you will learn how to change your perspective to take every as a challenge in the best way possible. Succeed and get what you really want to get. Get rid of the bullshit. And program yourself into anythi...more
You can read it once and be motivated. For a while....
BUT! If you take your take, follow the exercices, THINK, and pay close attention to the meaningful material it's impossible to still be the same person.
Here you will learn how to change your perspective to take every as a challenge in the best way possible. Succeed and get what you really want to get. Get rid of the bullshit. And program yourself into anythi...more
A great reference book for those wanting to understand the power of the mind. There are a lot of NLP books out there, but Tony writes in a very motivational and uplifiting way. I still use this as a reference book in everyday life to go back and revisit some of the techniques. One of the top books in the field of personal achievement.
Jan 19, 2009Laila rated it really liked it · review of another edition
-They can because they think they can.
-Don't find fault,find remedy.
-Nothing has any power over me other than that which I give it through my conscious thoughts.
-There is nothing either good or bad, but thinkung makes it so.
Jan 04, 2018Simin Yadegar rated it really liked it · review of another edition-Don't find fault,find remedy.
-Nothing has any power over me other than that which I give it through my conscious thoughts.
-There is nothing either good or bad, but thinkung makes it so.
Shelves: social
یکی از کتابهای خوب آنتونی رابینز در مورد محدوده قدرت انسان
I didn't finish it but it was good so far. I read half of it.
Nov 06, 2018S. Barberá rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Un manual que vale la pena leer y releer.
Robbins introduce al lector la herramienta de la PNL, Programación Neurolingüística, para mejorar la calidad de la vida, tanto a nivel personal como profesional.
Desde superar fobias a mejorar hábitos... la PNL ayuda a pasar a la acción, y qué mejor herramienta para explotar en la era de la información en la que nos encontramos abrumados por tanta información que no logramos salir de la esfera mental y materializar la vida que deseamos tener.
Robbins exp...more
Robbins introduce al lector la herramienta de la PNL, Programación Neurolingüística, para mejorar la calidad de la vida, tanto a nivel personal como profesional.
Desde superar fobias a mejorar hábitos... la PNL ayuda a pasar a la acción, y qué mejor herramienta para explotar en la era de la información en la que nos encontramos abrumados por tanta información que no logramos salir de la esfera mental y materializar la vida que deseamos tener.
Robbins exp...more
Aug 24, 2017Zackr rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Unlimited Power By Anthony Robbins Free Ebook Download Free
Absolutely amazing! A must, must read!
I took out these notes from my listening and I read them every morning, as soon as I wake up.
(view spoiler)[
~The quality of my life is the quality of how I talk to myself.
~The quality of your life is the quality of how you communicate with yourself and with others.
7% is words
55% is physiology (Facial expressions, body postures, breathing patterns, etc.)
38% is tonality (the tone of voice that a person uses)
~Lessons from Jim Rohn:
No matter what...more
I took out these notes from my listening and I read them every morning, as soon as I wake up.
(view spoiler)[
~The quality of my life is the quality of how I talk to myself.
~The quality of your life is the quality of how you communicate with yourself and with others.
7% is words
55% is physiology (Facial expressions, body postures, breathing patterns, etc.)
38% is tonality (the tone of voice that a person uses)
~Lessons from Jim Rohn:
No matter what...more
Life changing book...!!! My All time fav author.
Unlimited Power By Anthony Robbins Free Ebook Download For Windows 10
Jun 12, 2017Kylie Young rated it it was amazing
This is THE ONLY book you need to read. I am strongly interested in psychology and self help books, this cut the 'fluff' and got straight to the bits you need to know. It's like all of the most perfect pieces of advice put together into the most perfect book, written perfectly, structured perfectly, flowing perfectly and in an easy to understand format. At the same time, trying to employ all of these techniques is just too much for a beginner all at once, but one step at a time, I will master th...more
Aug 27, 2011Tucker added it
As a leader of self-actualization seminars, Robbins trumpets the power of reframing your thoughts to recreate your reality. 'Achievers tend to believe that no matter what happens, whether it's good or bad, they created it,' he says. 'No scientist can prove that our thoughts create our reality. But it's a useful lie. It's an empowering belief. That's why I choose to believe in it.' (p. 75) He is clear that new thoughts need to be followed up with action. 'If all we needed were ideas and positive...more
Feb 06, 2013Mike Sambuco rated it really liked it · Unlimited Power By Anthony Robbins Free Ebook Download For Pc
review of another edition Shelves: personal-development
This is my first purchase by Tony Robbins. I have previously watched a bunch of his on-line videos, and was impressed and interested, and wanted more. This is the abridged audio version, a mix of studio and live recordings.
When I started listening to it, I was intrigued and was easily pulled in, but was left wanting much more when it was done. (Looking at the size of the book afterward, it looks to be briefly hitting highlights, as one hour cannot come close to covering all of the content of th...more
When I started listening to it, I was intrigued and was easily pulled in, but was left wanting much more when it was done. (Looking at the size of the book afterward, it looks to be briefly hitting highlights, as one hour cannot come close to covering all of the content of th...more
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For more than 30 years Tony Robbins' passion has been helping people BREAK THROUGH and take their lives to another level -- no matter how successful they already are -- in the areas that matter most: their business, personal finance, intimate relationships, families, careers and health.
Tony Robbins has helped more than 50 million people from more than 100 countries transform their lives and their...more
Tony Robbins has helped more than 50 million people from more than 100 countries transform their lives and their...more
“A real decision is measured by the fact that you've taken a new action. If there's no action, you haven't truly decided.” — 33 likes
Unlimited Power By Anthony Robbins Free Ebook Download Sites
“You shape your perceptions, or someone shapes them for you. You do what you want to do, or you respond to someone else’s plan for you.” — 15 likes